After being bugged relentlessly by RetroSweater to update, I've caved - not that your lives will be better as a result. So I'll just get straight to the self-humiliation. Start by watching the video below.
You see, I've fallen in love with this man.
Yeah, yeah, I know, but I repeat -
I've fallen in love with an extreme Trekkie who drives around in a vacuum cleaner, probably lives in his mom's basement, and has a dog named Computer.
How the hell did that happen? I'm not even a Trekkie. I can't stand Star Trek. But I admit I have a disturbing weakness for nerds, and you have to admit he's kind of cute. Oh, come on, he's cute, right? Passionate? Funny, but not threatening or mean? Delivers one-liners with the oblivious ease of a Joss Whedon character? Kind of looks like Mal from Firefly? I stand by my love, and wonder at the time when I'd been too embarrassed to admit my attraction to the Mac Guy or Steve Zahn or Wedge Antilles (the British dude who quips "look at the size of that thing" in A New Hope). This time I've finally crushed on someone I have a chance with, because hell, I'm way higher than him on the nerd hierarchy. And unlike certain young men I already know, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to reject a girl.
Since Retrosweater is going to give me crap for this, I'm going to protect myself and prove I have standards. Case in point, I DID NOT fall in love with man in the below video, even though he has a really cool plastic X-wing and a Polly-Pocket-sized Wedge figurine with bendy legs. (Scrub through the vid to get the idea, but for the love of god don't watch the whole thing.)
Jacob and Shilpa discuss the inauguration, conspiracy theories about the sudden halt of Israel in the Gaza and the Obama administration's economic slip up. Never let an economist do a politicians work.
I knew the Disney Princess Craze was for real when my three-year-old nephew came strutting into the room draped in his blanket claiming to be one. At the time, I thought it was adorable (actually, I still do), however he has since been sold the idea of Princes and given gender-appropriate toys like swords and Knightly armor (another rant for another post).
I was sad, but, then again, I like playing 'swords' a LOT more than... uh, I can't actually remember what the princesses do...
I went to the Disney Princess website for answers. The appalling truth? They do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.