Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why we should do more reviews?

Because I use my summers to gain culture by watching (mediocre lighthearted) movies, reading (mostly trashy-)novels and listening to tons of music (genre, you ask? I listen music that everyone who doesn't want to listen to music that "everybody" listens to... listens to). But I digress...

I think we should pack in as many reviews as possible before all of our sugary sweet pop-culture knowledge is replaced by the stock broccoli and asparagus of Comps and college.

Plus, that's what blogs do best- opinionate!

(I know that's not a verb, but it should be in this brave new world of Blogosphere, where everyone is worthy of their own Op-ed!)

So, yeah. I'm inspirational, huh?



Now, where to begin...?

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