Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Capitalism: A Fictional Island of Dinosaurs

Upon recent surfing of Facebook, I read a very brave 'note.' This friend of mine, a young, black man explained why he was considering voting for John McCain. Most of it had to do with experience, perhaps a desire to sustain the old ways of foreign policy failure... however, what really got me was the following sentence:
"[Plus,] Socialism scares me."
Whoa, and I guy running the country that doesn't understand a thing about the economy doesn't?!
*deep breath*
If socialism scares you, you're kind of a wuss. Socialism is the Little Red Riding Hood to Capitalism's Big Bad Wolf. And, do you really think we live in a free-market economy?
No. We don't. The government always plays a role, hopefully in the form of social protections.

American Capitalism is like Jurassic Park (stay with me here...). Allen Greenspan was that Hammond guy- I'm pretty sure he meant well, trying to cultivate dinosaurs without enough security, but it's coming back now to bite him in the asLinks. It's like the dinosaurs were in their respective areas, knowing that the fences would electrocute them if they left. Once the fences are off, it's only a matter of time before the T-Rex gets loose- the T-Rex is corporate America, and it's greedy and it's mean and it is all about destruction (and will eat your f-ing car!)
And who are they trying to eat? Well, everyone. However the kids running scared, they're the workers- without social protection the worker gets to churn away the rest of his days in the "Satanic Mill" inside the T Rex's belly.

And then you have the velociraptors and thats the... the..
Wow, this analogy has gotten completely out of control.
Basically what I'm saying is that McCain and Palin can't go charming the 'working man' with their faux-mavricky swagger just to abandon them for big oil. Greenspan already admitted he was wrong to allow so much unchecked greed in the free-market. And things have to change, they're going to. There will be reforms to the existing system, the world won't end, capitalism in America won't end. The richest percent of the population won't lose their yachts; our freedoms won't be lost and we'll all be better off for it.
Hey, maybe we'll even have affordable health care!

1 comment:

The Awkward Conversation said...

Wow, this is possibly the best, most easily understood analogy of the American big trust system I've seen. Little workers being chased down watery roads by a monstrous T-rex - I can feel that.

Socialism isn't any more scary than capitalism - we just have to make sure the fences aren't oppressive, and on the other hand, we want to make sure the fences exist.

No fences is primal anarchy, yes - but aren't we proud of civilization? Which, by definition, isn't anarchy?

Awesome. Earflaps