Tuesday, February 3, 2009

let's stay togethah

i'm trying to convince 2 of my housemates not to leave for their political economy seminar in beijing, so i've compiled this list.

top 5 reasons why northfield is bettah than beijing:
5) you will be a spectacle among a sea of yellow faces (people will ask you for money based on the color of your skin ie. YOU WILL PERPETUATE RACISM)
4) malt-o-meal doesn't kill babies (TOASTY O'S > DEADLY BABY FORMULA)
3) rg is a misogynist (many people see the opportunity to make a professor friend as a plus of going on a carleton program, but you will soon regret your decision once he makes the women sit at another table in a chic urban beijing bar)
2) you will miss various superior en masse drinking events at carleton (ie. spring concert and rotblatt) for various inferior small-gathering drinking events in beijing
1) now for the #1 reason why northfield is bettah than beijing: because i'm here ^.^

love, Nopants

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true. Of all those amazing things, the best #1.
I'll misssss yooooouuuuuuuu!