Tuesday, February 24, 2009

weekend planzzz

friday night with me and da grlz
we bash people we secretly admire
throwing on thrifty skinny jeans and deliberate tunics

vintage sunglasses leading us
to the local applebee's
sipping sugary pitcher margaritas
grlz pregaming facilitates meaningful discussions

we oh so confident in our hipstah gear
those aber-zombies don't got nuthin on us

head to da club
where we scoff at popular mainstream tunes
once in a while indie bloghouse blasts
we clap with joy and git up to dance
mouthing the lyrics to the songs, fake-lip-syncing for the parts we don't know

whispers and giggles
a mediocre boy approaches our friend
the virgin pro-lifer in the 50's dress
she doesn't smoke our hand-rolled cigarettes

the night will end when
our average boyfriends don't respond to our sexting
stumble back home and warm up leftover pizza
we convince ourselves-- what a great time!

i wake at 3AM and run to the b-room
i flush the contents of the night down the toilet

Thursday, February 5, 2009

WTF, Bill Gates?

Apparently Bill Gates released a swarm of mosquitoes at the TED Conference yesterday.

Whoever said that TED Talks were too boring for television must feel like a real idiot now.
According to the TED website, the talk will be posted sometime tomorrow. I'll be watching it, will you?


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

let's stay togethah

i'm trying to convince 2 of my housemates not to leave for their political economy seminar in beijing, so i've compiled this list.

top 5 reasons why northfield is bettah than beijing:
5) you will be a spectacle among a sea of yellow faces (people will ask you for money based on the color of your skin ie. YOU WILL PERPETUATE RACISM)
4) malt-o-meal doesn't kill babies (TOASTY O'S > DEADLY BABY FORMULA)
3) rg is a misogynist (many people see the opportunity to make a professor friend as a plus of going on a carleton program, but you will soon regret your decision once he makes the women sit at another table in a chic urban beijing bar)
2) you will miss various superior en masse drinking events at carleton (ie. spring concert and rotblatt) for various inferior small-gathering drinking events in beijing
1) now for the #1 reason why northfield is bettah than beijing: because i'm here ^.^

love, Nopants

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Generation Mr Rogers

Is the structure of our economy fundamentally flawed?