Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Video

Here it is - the result of over a year of obsessive editing and rendering on my computer. Over two years ago I tried to play a .wma file on VLC player, but instead of hearing music, I found myself mesmerized by pretty colors. So instead of packing for my trip back to college, I obsessively sat in my room (there was also a New Years party I was neglecting downstairs) and took screen vids of the flashy images.

The next few weeks I started making patterns in Final Cut, increasing the complexity to the point that I couldn't focus my eyes for hours at a time. My roommates remember - I did nothing else, late into the night. I layered in audio later - most of the tracks stem from the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy Book on Tape and my brother playing guitar a la Audacity.

I don't know how good it is, but my best friend back home said it blew her mind. Of course, she later told me she'd been tripping on acid at the time, so...yeah. But still.

- Eaflaps

P.S. Please don't have seizures. And you should watch on YouTube full screen with audio cranked.

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